Friday, June 29, 2012

Jari Jemari Nadiah

Assaalamualaikum w.b.t..

Sudah lama rasanya jari-jari ini tidank mengetuk keyboard...maklumlah...kesiobukan yang tak pernah saya duga telah menyerang...hahaha..apalah kan..????sebenarnya saya bukanlah lagi seorang penganggir yang terhormat...itu sebablah saya sudah jarang menyentuh PC...Walau apapun,masa cuti yang ada cuba saya gunakan untuk mencoret...sekadar memenuhi ruangan blog saya ni...

Sejujurnya,disebabkan sudah agak lama tidak mencoret maka otak saya sudah mula kekeringan idea...dah tak tahu nak tulis apa...

Oh ya!!!!tadi saya terjumpa la beberapa keping gambar lama...bila tengok balik rasa cute pn ada...kelakar pula rasa...sebenarnya tak de la banyak beza sangat dengan sekarang...Maknanya sekarang pun masih cute la yer...hehe...

p/s:Rasa macam nak memuji diri sendiri pulak...hahah...

Sunday, June 10, 2012



His lonely back seemed so unfamiliar
I just watched him as he walked along
And tears just formed so I just cried
Because I hated myself for not knowing all this time
Because he always pretended to be calm and smiled
Because he always pretended to be strong in front of me
I didn’t even think of it, I thought I would never see it
So I didn’t know about his lonely back
I didn’t know back then, I was too young
You must have been lonelier than anyone else but I didn’t approachyou
Now I finally know, I hope it’s not too late
These are the words I wanted to say so much, I love you forever

My father
After watching him for a long time
I ran to him and just hugged him
I wanted to just cry, I wanted to cry in his arms
Because my gratitude toward you was so sad
I didn’t know back then, I was too young
You must have been lonelier than anyone else but I didn’t approachyou
Now I finally know, I hope it’s not too late
These are the words I wanted to say so much, I love you forever

My father
You pretend to feel better after letting out a deep sigh
I can see your invisible tears
You don’t cry over your scarred heart with the painful wounds
I made those scars but why do I keep blaming you?
And your eyes showed you were tired
But you hid it, such a liar
Now I will embrace you, you can lean on me
And your eyes showed you were tired
But you hid it such a liar
You are forever a high sky to me
Your beaten hands, your wrinkled eyes
Your lonely back – I’m not used to any of those
Maybe that’s why I was like that, that’s why I hurt you
Even your turned back seems like baggage that I left behind
I haven’t done anything for you, I haven’t given anything to you but
These are the words I wanted to say so much, I love you forever
My father

Source: BTOB-Father Lyrics